The Truck Loading Rack and support area is a fuels transfer station for the active refinery. Previous ownership experienced certain hydrocarbon releases:
1995 – petroleum release from loading rack.
2001 - underground pipe gasoline release.
2003 - product observed in recovery trenches attributable to a failure of the loading lines.
2011 - diesel #2 pipe leak north of scale shack.
Previous refinery owners constructed and operated a series of Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) product recovery trenches. The recovery system captured approximately 21,000 gallons of LNAPL during its nine years in operation, ending in 2004.
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality’s (MDEQ) issued Calumet Montana Refinery (CRM) an October 11, 2016 letter directing the immediate initiation of Interim Measures to address threats to human health and the environment associated with the Truck Loading Rack.
CMR conducted a series of Interim Measure soil and groundwater characterization investigations between 2016 and 2018 to delineate petroleum related impacts from the Truck Loading Rack.